Speciality testing

Speciality Testing

Addresses your concerns about specific toxin and indoor pollutant sensitivities through specialty testing.

We combine years of professional environmental engineering experience with indisputable laboratory results to help you determine the presence of environmental threats unique to your situation. Listed below are the most commonly requested specialty tests.

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What we Offer

To cut down on home energy expenses, an increasing number of homeowners are retrofitting their properties with spray foam insulation. Although this material is efficient in minimizing heat loss, it may release airborne carcinogens and compromise ventilation, leading to elevated levels of hazardous gases. At Loft Inspectors, we have observed a rise in indoor air quality issues among clients who have newly installed spray foam, with complaints of persistent unpleasant smells and negative health effects.

Today’s technologies, appliances, and gadgets emit electromagnetic radiation that can penetrate our bodies and potentially compromise our health. Following a comprehensive review of over 2,000 studies, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences has classified Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) as “possible carcinogens.” Our exposure to artificial EMF radiation is 100 million times greater than that of our grandparents, and it continues to increase annually. Specialized EMF sensors can measure radiation pulses from mobile devices, wireless systems, and even outdoor power lines to assess daily exposure levels to electromagnetic radiation.

Airborne fiberglass particles can infiltrate the airspace in attics, walls, recessed lighting, ductwork, and exposed insulation in basements. These microscopic glass shards can penetrate the eyes, throat, and lungs, leading to irritation and the potential for chronic respiratory issues. Infants and children are particularly susceptible to airborne fiberglass, which can cause prolonged, unexplained coughing. Unlike typical dust particles, once fiberglass particles are airborne, they tend to remain suspended for an extended period. If you have respiratory concerns or are worried about the impact of fiberglass on your family’s health, consider expanding your Loft Inspectors’ air sampling to include tests for fiberglass.

We inhabit a world replete with toxic fumes and chemicals. The health consequences of these pollutants can vary from minor discomfort to severe, enduring health issues, including headaches, impaired coordination, nausea, and harm to the liver, kidneys, and central nervous system. Numerous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are associated with cancer. Loft inspectors have the capability to immediately assess the total VOC levels present in the air and, if necessary, can quantify these toxins to parts per billion (ppb).

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is a chronic, recurring condition triggered by an individual’s inability to tolerate an array of environmental chemicals, even at extremely low levels. Common symptoms include nausea, fatigue, dizziness, and headaches, as well as inflammation of the skin, joints, gastrointestinal tract, and airways. MCS can develop in some people after acute or chronic exposure to various environmental substances, including pesticides, solvents, pharmaceuticals, and air pollutants found in “sick” homes and buildings. For those affected by MCS, our services offer chemical monitoring and control measures designed to minimize exposure.

Complex allergens like dust mites, cockroaches, mice, and pet dander can severely impact your immune system. Dust sampling is an effective method to measure allergen levels. By screening your indoor environment for allergens, you can make informed decisions to minimize exposure and confirm the success of your mitigation strategies. Additionally, a Loft Inspectors allergen screen can aid your doctors in more accurately diagnosing and managing your allergy symptoms.

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